

Created by Bully Pulpit Games

A new card-based edition of Fiasco, the classic game of powerful ambition and poor impulse control

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fiascodenz Grotesk
over 4 years ago – Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 11:25:18 PM

A Note from Jason...

I can't be sure, but I suspect Fiasco is the first game to have its own original typeface (do correct me if I'm wrong!). We are fortunate to work with a multi-talented artist, Brennen Reece, whose deep interest in type design resulted in him cutting something tailored for this project: 

Fiascodenz shows its roots in the influential sans-serif family Akzidenz-Grotesk, which originated in Germany during the late nineteenth century. Akzidenz was designed as a utilitarian type for commercial jobs rather than fine printing, and its neutral features carried over into a variety of 20th century typefaces that are still in common use. 

Brennen mashed that together with the lively, hand-cut letterforms of Saul Bass posters and similar mid-century commercial art to arrive at something really evocative and delightful - something that is unique, vibrant, and full of mischief - a typeface that screams "Fiasco!"

According to Brennen, "I particularly enjoyed revisiting an old exercise I practiced when I was new to design — drawing an existing typeface by hand in order to understand its structure and nuances. Rather than referencing existing typefaces based on Saul Bass’ work, I went directly to the source, and took my inspiration from his posters and film titles. It was important that the typeface have some consistency, but also maintain the chaos, whimsy, and mouthfeel of letters cut with scissors at 2 am on a tight deadline."

You'll see Fiascodenz-Grotesk throughout Fiasco, paired with a version of Franklin Gothic as a versatile body font. 

We're doing our best to put this much care and precision into every aspect of this project, and the expert help of talented people like Brennen goes a long way toward that goal. 

Asians Represent

Daniel & Agatha talk about GenCon, the ENnies and their podcast anniversary- along with Fiasco on their latest episode!

-- Jason & The Bully Pulpit Team

Expansion Pack #4 and New All-in Reward Levels!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 09:18:31 PM

"Feel the Rush"

Our fourth expansion will be called Feel the Rush and features a pair of playsets that are completely new, written specifically for this Kickstarter by Steve and Jason! 

In The Weeds takes you into the seedy and off-kilter world of restaurant work. As servers and line cooks you'll bust your ass for not much money, but there are perks - repetitive stress injuries, abusive, drug-fueled bosses, and customers who don't tip. Small change leads to big problems, though, and even if the stakes are low, the ambitions (and the staff) are often stupidly high.

The Hasty & the Hateful puts you and your friends - family, really, if we're being honest - behind the wheels of tuned-up illegal street racers. You might be a bunch of well-meaning dirtbags just trying to make ends meet, or you might be high-flying international car wizards. But either way, you drive. Real fast. And you probably do crimes.

New Reward Levels 

If you are a backer at one of the current Expansion pack reward levels, Feel the Rush will be one more option that you can choose from. 

But if you want it all, we're opening up two new reward levels in both digital and physical rewards just for you: 


This level is the digital "all in" reward- you'll get the basic digital edition from Nosy Neighbor as well as ALL FOUR of the Expansion Packs as print-and-play digital playsets. That's a total of 11 playsets!

This reward will include:

  • Pre-release Playtest Draft
  • Final Digital Edition
  • 4 x digital Expansion packs (each includes 2 additional playset PDFs)
  • Credit for your support


Get the boxed set plus your choice of ALL FOUR expansion packs (2 additional playset decks each)! Be the first to see and play these playsets before they are released next year.


  • Pre-release Playtest Draft
  • Final Digital Edition
  • Boxed Edition
  •  4 × Expansion packs 
  • Credit for your support

You can upgrade your current pledge to one of these using the "Change your pledge" button at the top of the Kickstarter page. 

Actual Play Audio Now on Podcast

If you missed our stream on last week and want to listen, Roll to Play podcast has you covered! It'll be released as a series of episodes, the first of which you can find now at

The Need in the game really was "To get away with: Crossing the Satanists one last time", and oh boy did they!

Thanks to all of you for helping us get this far! If you have any questions about the new reward levels or playsets, let us know!

-- The Bully Pulpit Team

It's Time for the Tilt
over 4 years ago – Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 12:01:23 AM

We're halfway there!

That is, well, the Kickstarter is half over, but we are nowhere near halfway to paying back Joel. 

Mistakes were made. Interest accumulates. To be perfectly honest I am hoping that when he comes for us, I can use Steve's body as a shield while I run away, but I know Steve's thinking the same thing. 

We're so happy and grateful for the enthusiastic support we've received so far. We know Fiasco is an excellent game, and the new version promises loads of fun, but none of it matters without your support. So thanks! 

Regarding Joel, Steve thinks we're going to be all right. He considers Joel more of an old friend and less of a "business associate", and that's true as far as it goes, but Joel made a point of showing us what happens to people who don't pay their debts to him - and that was definitely more business than friendship, you know? He has a pit with some kind of animal in it. I think it is a tiger but who knows? 

Anyway, the Kickstarter - half done! Please continue to spread the word to your friends and frenemies - you'll be doing them a favor, and you'll be doing us an even bigger favor. If I end up in the tiger pit, after all, that's probably the end of my game design career, right? 

Stretch Goal 2 - UNLOCKED

We hit $150k, which means we'll be offering a fourth Expansion Pack for backers during this campaign! But what playsets are in this new offering, you say? Our fourth pair of playsets are completely new, written specifically for this Kickstarter! More info about them and reward levels tomorrow!

-- Jason & The Bully Pulpit Team

One Stretch Goal Down and Another Appears!
over 4 years ago – Sat, Aug 17, 2019 at 12:06:56 AM

Fiasco in Roll20 is a Go!

Well that was fast! We are really excited to bring Fiasco to Roll20 and we learned a lot building the game for the Actual Play stream! We are working closely with the Roll20 team to make sure you have the best play experience- we know a few things will be slightly different (playset card backs are all the same in Roll20, so names will likely be handled as a player handout). 

We'll be developing these assets in more detail after the campaign is over, but we'll continue to update and share the results with all of you!

Stretch Goal #2: Another Expansion Pack!

You want more Fiasco? You get more Fiasco! 

At $150,000, we will offer a fourth Expansion Pack in both digital print & play and physical card formats. 

This means we'll open up two new reward levels- one for the boxed game + 4 expansions and another for a complete digital package reward that includes all the expansion decks in print-and-play format. 

We aren't quite ready to reveal which playsets will be included, but until we are we'd love to hear what your favorites are! We plan to continue releasing expansions  beyond the ones in this campaign, so we'd love to hear which ones you want to see. Reply to this update or leave us a comment and let us know!

Have any of you heard from Joel? We are nearly halfway through the campaign, which means it'll be Tilt Time soon. No reason, just curious.

-- The Bully Pulpit Team

Actual Play video link + more on Twitch tonight!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 12:01:44 AM

Actual Fiasco

We played Poppleton Mall on last night and ended up all being Satanists working at the mall at Christmas-time, like you do.

Much fun was had- if you missed the stream, you can watch the game here

We set up a draft version of the Engine & Playset decks in Roll20 and that meant that Relationships, Needs, Objects, & Locations went super fast- more time to work out the logistics of running a Satanic church in the back of the Arapaho Leather Goods store!

Speaking of Roll20

Since announcing our first stretch goal (yesterday!), it's looking very much like we'll see it funded this week! That means that all backers at the Nosy Neighbor level ($10) and up will get a code for the game in Roll20- it will be available as a free item you can add to your Backerkit survey after the campaign closes.

Dragon's Demize Twitch Stream

Tonight at 7:45pm Eastern (in just a few minutes!) Dragon's Demize podcast will be streaming their play through of the Fiasco prototype on their twitch channel. Check it out and maybe tell them Joel sends his regards? They'll know what it means.

-- The Bully Pulpit Team